Members information/ stuff you should know.

Who is a member?

All active members of IAFF Local 2545 are members of KFFBA.

Yes, if you are reading this and you are a member of Local 2545 that means YOU are a member. As a member you are encouraged to utilize KFFBA and are invited to learn more about the many different ways you can help and be helped. Click this button below.

How do I make a request for Assistance?

The best way is by following this link HERE and sending an email to KFFBA directly with a brief description of the situation and the need at hand. Or if you are in a situation that we can help with please reach out to any of the board members here on this page so we can get the ball rolling ASAP.

KFFBA has many ways of helping but our main method of serving is through financial aid for members, family members of members, and fellow firefighters in the area including their families. We also take requests for assistance for members of the general public that we serve everyday.

Please do not hesitate to ask for help, that’s why we exist!! We want to help out!

Board of Directors

All KFFBA Board members,including officers, are 100% volunteer and do not receive compensation in any form for their time and efforts.

KFFBA Officers

Dustin Hill

Alex Trewin

Vice President

Stephen McCauley

Nathan Schaeffer

KFFBA Board Members

A- shift board members

Stephen McCauley

Kevin Grimstad

Cory Caulk

Jonathan Ishmael

Brent Tsang


B- shift board members

Evan Hurley

Timothy Bandel

Jon Hernandez

Josh Pratt

Evan Steinruck

Alladin Schirmer

Sabriyana Avcu

Jordan McPhee

David Bearup

Day Shift board members

Renee Lirette

C- shift board members

Megan Keyes

Nathan Schaeffer

Steve Suyama

Ryan Magnin

Dustin Hill

Glenn Shackatano

Alex Trewin

Devon Ashworth

Travis Johnson

Jacob Michael

Kienna Sorn

Are you interested in becoming a board member?

If you or your spouse are interested in becoming a board member please react out and contact the president.

Resources for members