KFFBA vision and purpose
Kirkland Fire Fighters Benevolent Association has been created by Kirkland Firefighters, who on any given day, see members of our community, and members of our own fire fighting families, in times of need. Whether it is a medical issue, death, fire or other natural disaster, traffic accident, or simply a tight spot they need to get out of, calling 911 can often be the first direction they turn. Once the emergency is taken care of, however, there often remains issues that need attention. Maybe it’s a meal for the day, groceries for the week, presents lost in a fire, or a hotel room for the night…the possibilities can be endless.
KFFBA gives Kirkland Firefighters a tool to raise and distribute funds not only to empower our responding firefighters to make that extra effort, but also enables us to support organizations and other individuals throughout our Kirkland community, as well as within our fire department community, who need support in times of real need.
KFFBA Missions Statement
“The Kirkland Firefighters Benevolent Association (KFFBA) is dedicated to preserving the brotherhood and sense of community that is embedded in the fire service. KFFBA assists people in the Kirkland community and our Police and fire family in times of need or grief. KFFBA offers financial assistance and organizes needed service during times of crisis or difficulty and enables firefighters to have a positive impact beyond the scope of their normal duties. ”